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Daggy's Blog

What is this blog?

Welcome, dear reader!

I'm going to be disappointing and start out by saying this blog probably won't be very interesting for the foreseeable future.

In fact I'm not going to be trying very hard to make it interesting or engaging. This is purely for my own selfish self and I've made it public mainly as a way to help create a habit of writing by way of some dubious accountability to my imagined readers.

That having been said, I truly hope it will eventually be worthy of reading.

In Previous Episodes... #

I've tried this blogging schtick before, but it didn't go anywhere. I had too high expectations proportional to my skill and available time, and motivation to actually produce the content. So I ended up blocking myself out of ever posting anything.

The way I'm structuring and prefacing this, I hope to avoid a repeat of past mistakes. As a matter of fact, before I even started figuring out the techical side of how to organise the blog I already largely fleshed out a few posts (including this one) which in retrospect was a Good Idea.

So, why am I doing this? #

I want to learn to communicate better. I'm coming more and more to the realisation just how important clear communication is for somebody working in software. Writing is just one small part but you have to start somewhere. As a happy side-effect I hope to sharpen my long neglected English.

Also, as of this summer I have gone on paternity leave and in the short time since, have already noticed technical knowledge starting to attrophy. Surprisingly, there are good chunks of the day where my mind is largely free to wander while executing the stay-at-home-parent routine and I intend to capitalise on that.

Also also, I just really enjoy the idea of doing focused research on a subject and reporting my findings. It remains to be seen if I enjoy doing it as much.

What kind of a blog is this going to be? #

Probably a jumble of everything in the beginning while I figure out what seems most captivating.

I like the idea of doing technical posts about very narrow subjects with practical advice. This requires research and that is something I will not have sufficient time for in the foreseeable future. I will probably do some very simple, short posts about questions that pop up, but I'm not going to be aiming for any serious added value for a long while yet.

I will probably end up writing about just about anything life-related that I've noticed or feel I want to explore more with the help of writing. You've been warned!

In case you are interested who is this "I" that keeps popping up, you can read About Me.