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Daggy's Blog

About Me #

Hi! I'm Dāgs.

I enjoy solving technical problems and making things in the process. Even better if something is mysteriously broken and I can discover why and fix it. And the best if by doing that I can make somebodies day better by doing so :).

I'm currently employed as a software engineer in the Climate and Numerical Modelling division of the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre. But actually currently on parental leave running after my baby daughter.

Both profesionally as in my free time I'm more of a generalist. Always have been open to specialization (or so I tell myself), but there is just so much to learn and see, and do that I never have quite gotten settled in any niche.

I thought about listing some technical things, but it got tiring and the list too long (I don't mean to brag, I'm not an expert in anything). I think all that really warrants saying is that I've gotten to the point where I don't feel any specific tech is an insurmountable hurdle but rather an enjoyable chance to learn some new language or approach. That having been said, I do like working with data and Python is my de-facto weapon of choice if requirements don't warrant anything else.